Hello! I'm Megacharlie159 and I am still working on Stretchy Man The Hiding.
This whole thing has taught me a lot about making animations quicker and also in higher quality. I have about 2 minutes of animation now, hoping for about 9 to 10 in total but hard to say at the moment since the script isn't even fully recorded and edited yet. (Yes, it is my fault XD)
This episode is probably the best so far, having the longest run time, good story, and has a big update animation wise. I should also mention that the backgrounds have been the biggest pain in the butt ever, since I wanted them to look super detailed and ended up going overboard by a lot actually. Animation wise, the show has received a large upgrade, going from half baked puppets to full on-board frame by frame, which looks very nice!
I guess that's about all I have to say, if you're interested in maybe doing a voice or something for the next episode you could just hit me up with some samples or something and I'll see if I have a spot for you. But that's about it, I guess.
I guess thats about it! Thanks for reading!
Veti noice!
message me on NG if you need anything.
Ok :D